Credit Report Repair
Credit Report Repair

Credit Report Repair offers credit repair services information and advice for all consumers across the Nation. Credit repair services are available to millions of Americans who find themselves unable to get out from under.

We offer advice to get the credit repair process started and to help consumers understand their credit scores.

Many online credit evaluation forms and free services are available, and we'll profile several of these so that you can find out what credit repair services can do to help, and identify the problem areas of your credit report.

Many of these services are free, secure, and only takes minutes to complete.
This will give you a good starting point in repairing your credit.

Already know you want a reputable credit repair company working to repair your credit? Educate yourself about legal credit repair.

Or send us an email at with any questions or concerns you have and we'll do our best to address your issues.

The three major national credit reporting agencies, also called Consumer Reporting Agencies (CRAs), are not government agencies. They are for profit, multi-million dollar national credit corporations that gather and sell your private personal credit information to creditors, insurers, employers, landlords, and companies that solicit you for credit and insurance offers.

They also sell your credit history information to telemarketing and mailing list companies, without your permission and in most cases without your knowledge! They admit that errors occur on consumer credit reports, but they do nothing to correct them.

If they really cared what they reported, they could send everyone a copy of his or her credit report once a year and ASK if everything is right! But they don't. Instead they report whatever they want and make the consumer "prove" that the credit report is inaccurate.

Credit Report Repair is very different from a non-profit credit counseling agency, because we're here to provide up to date information, accurate information about the credit repair industry. They work for your creditors!

Learn more about credit repair services.

They are "sponsored" by major banks and lending companies, and the way they keep their sponsorship is by collecting money for the sponsors!

They may say they work for you, but we all know in the end, we all work for whoever pays the bills. Many say that they are nothing but collections agencies, sponsored by your lenders and creditors. Information is power, and we're here to offer real information about Credit and Debt Solutions.

The choice is up to you. We have helped countless people access the information they need to repair bad credit reports and regain control of their credit status.

Consumer News! (Oct 3, 2008) The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation announces new deposit insurance limits. The FDIC deposit insurance temporarily increased from $100,000 to $250,000 per depositor through December 31, 2009. Learn more.

A 2005 amendment of the Fair Credit Reporting Act enables every American to request copies of their credit reports from each of the CRAs every twelve months FOR FREE! Learn more about this law and how to order your free credit reports.

Becoming credit smart if the smart first step to take when considering credit repair programs and services. Understand how knowing the facts is the first step to solving your credit problems!

Our Money Management and Debt Management Centers were created to assist individuals in financial management and debt repayment strategies. Understand exactly what credit is and why a good credit history is important.

Please note that services featured on many websites are not available in all areas. If you have any questions about credit services, please contact us. All feedback is appreciated.

Free online credit evaluations and programs can be good start for credit repair.

Understand what to look for before paying for credit repair services.

Read the US Government's info section on credit repair and credit scoring.

The FTC advises consumers on how to access free, annual credit reports.

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